rocks in the tree top all day long... tweet tweet


Katherine, In the name of Michael Jackson, this has got to stop.

"Michael Jackson fans outraged by Kiss tribute concert booking

American glam-rockers to play Jackson tribute concert despite frontman Gene Simmons calling the late singer a pedophile" -Headline from the Gaurdian.

In a way I wish I'd seen Gene's summation of Michael Jackson when it was originally put forth, just three days after Michael's death, but then again I don't think I could've handle it. Gene's statement reeks of insensitive irrelevancies... which is likely why it wasn't circulated widely enough for me to have noticed it then. That's what I'd like to think, which just like Gene is able to think whatever truths and realities he feels like parading as some sort of authoritative, in-the-know statement on Michael's personal life, that's how I shall choose to use my imagination. Gene now appears more foolish than ever to me. Then again I never liked Kiss to begin with, but before it was just for lack of musical credibility. Now... a bigger joke.
If Gene Simmons is entitled to say anything he'd like, on mass scale, on such a very large topic -Well, I too can say, without as much attention as he (although it's not a matter of credibility or deserving of the attention that determines who is and is not seen and/or heard, as is clearly the case with Mr. Simmons) that
Gene Simmons and Oprah should do lunch and be two gloating bigots and hypocrites together. Gene could talk about how much he loved Oprah when she was FAT and RACY and Oprah could talk about how much she loved Gene while he was a CLOWN and RELEVANT. For an appetizer they could both talk about how much they sucked BLACK Michael's dick and argue over who had ate most. Then, for their main course, compare how dried up and stank his pussy was when he turned WHITE and which of them laughed the hardest when he was accused in '93. -Do not nibble, do not sample my words, however they repulse you, however much your stomach turns at the thought. I am not the one that is truly sick. No. You two disgust me.
In regards to this latest attempt to put on a "tribute," if Jermaine is involved in it, like so many before, I sincerely hope that it is canceled. I've tried to ignore the shenanigans and the piss poor efforts of those who know how to do better do half-ass everything, in the name of someone they too easily and too quickly claim to know so well.
No tribute is less of an insult than these so-called tributes. Feels like the same old fishing for money, with Michael as bait, only now he's not around to be guilted in and out of family matters that really aren't family anything, just more greed and misguided intentions. he did enough for his parents and siblings and on and on and on. I don't mean to sound angry or bitter, I just can't stand it anymore. He's not even here and they didn't learn anything from the loss. Learn SOMETHING, else his death was in vain. ouch, his life sometimes was too. Poor Michael. I don't like playing into the 'victim' role but it's too easy to see how many times he was taken advantage of. it's just beyond disturbing and exhausting.
It's really a shame that she has the burden of being an executor of His estate. She's simply too old and outnumbered. Her involvement and ability to put forth things in Michael's name should have been stipulated to some sort of co-agreement. I don't know the appropriate titles as I'm not a lawyer. however if someone had advised Michael well enough (assuming it isn't some sort of draft or fraudulent will- I still am suspicious of the age of the document and the difficulty of "locating" his will initially.) you would think that they would've asked Michael to appoint someone as Katherine's co-conspirator, so to speak, someone young enough and more capable of balancing the difference between blind faith and/or asking too much of one person, whom has already been tapped for raising other Jackson brother's children. It's really unfair, the position she's in. Still, it is no excuse to continue with such matters. She should simply decline these suggestions brought forth to her. Straight up no to every offer and should it seem appropriate later on, address those offers privately and carefully, without the input of relatives. The bias has never been to Michael's favor.

There is a reason Michael and Janet were incredibly reclusive. There is no other option with this family. It's heartbreaking. To think of Janet flying to the family compound (the estate Michael purchased and gave to his Mother so that she would never be homeless, in spite of any of Joe's notoriously poor decisions) to grieve with the family over their loss and her having to leave after (was it only) a week? That's not her insensitivity or callous, that's the necessity for survival. She likely stayed longer than she could handle for the sake of Michael's children. Janet very obviously feared very much for their benefit that they might be better off living with her or anyone else besides under the guidance of the same people that failed Michael too many times, in every way that mattered. Janet gets a lot of flack but she knows better than any of the clan like to admit to. She also never used Michael for money. They shared the same shame, they had a painful connection: their painful childhood. In all honesty I feel she and Michael had the closest thing to normal and healthy between family members than any other "public"-Jackson we ever knew. 

I wish someone could tell Katherine JUST STOP this. Just stop. Just focus on his kids and stop. stop.


Gene Simmons: the Clown who claimed to have had sex with 4,600 women

The following is my response to Gene's statement, made 3 days following the death of Michael Jackson. He and the remaining members of KISS are slated to perform at (yet another, ill-conceived) "tribute" concert to honor Michael Jackson.

wow - Gene Simmons has always been full of gimmick, with nothing of value behind the mask. he had a very cute band in the 70s and wore more makeup than Michael ever wanted to. I digress, it's a real show of character for Gene to feel pressure to speak up for someone he no longer knew and had nothing to say worth hearing (again). What do the kids say these days, Gene? You speak for them, right? Not just Michael, like you said. "Epic Fail." 

It's so hard to think of anything worth mentioning after that one album of theirs... you know, something about rock and roll all night? oy. I've already wasted too many words and so few passing thoughts, which is one quip too many on Gene Simmons and his long-distance, irrelevant opinion on someone he admitted was a definite stranger to him. Gene, that's not calling it like it is, that's calling it like you imagine it. I can use false logic too. How many fallacies would you like me to construe about you Mr. Simmons? A hiltsener tsung zol er bakumn. It would be a waste of my time, but thank you for your misguided opinion, Sir. Focus on raising your own children and writing about things you know something about. Cheers.
Summary: RUDE


Close Your Eyes and LISTEN

You will not be able to handle this. Warning: the language used here and the expressions of the author are in no way meant for the faint hearted nor the average american "christian." You have been warned. Continue at your own risk.

Youtube this video:

After being bombarded by crazies on youtube, I decided to fire back out of boredom and sleep deprivation. By bombarded I mean, emailed alerts kept coming to my inbox regarding a comment i made, on this same video, that was a total of 4 words, "you are an idiot." C'mon. Dr. House gets away with it and to strangers on youtube, I'm just the same as a character on television, right? Just as acceptable for Hugh Laurie to pretend to mean it as Gregory House, right? Or do I REALLY mean it? Meh. You add that up. I really don't care.

playfully, michael says, "you don't look like an idiot, you look more like a…no" and then he mumbles off because he was merely teasing her and lisa smiles back at him with wonderment. she wendy to his peter pan: he can never grow up, she can never grow up, wendy can never get bigger, peter can never mature? michael and lisa were perfect for each other. though i wouldn't be surprised if, indeed he hated elvis, as all musicians and enlightened individuals should because elvis held black americans back by stealing their work or rather paying the help to feed him lines.

mockingly michael says in a female voice "i do" and then in his own mocking voice "i do."

"in a minute (in the middle) the judge will asks him for his autograph," Lisa babbles with glee.

"you're not even nervous anymore. you're more like airhead duh," michael states simply, understated and lisa replies, affirming his same perception of the marriage footage, both entirely aloof about the seriousness. Besides, it's all relative anyway. Lisa, freely replies

"i know and then we're outta time," as though much more time had passed than really had, because for them so much time DID pass. They both grew from this, from their relationship with one another. THAT is the point of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Fucking Presley and not all the other bullshit. Thank fucking God someone connected with him, for both of their sakes.

Michael, the man-child, still seeking approval, "how do i look [Joseph]?" Brackets used for emphasis of the point not the specifics of whom Michael was referring to when he asked this question.

Lisa corners him silently with her eyes,

"you look great [Daddy]," she says with a smile and hope for his approval.

"you sure?" Michael says with doubt and scars of adolescence and pain in his voice. almost indistinct, lisa replies affirmative. Michael shys away inaudibly and says to Lisa, "you're beautiful."


"we argue..." she says, coy and erotic and he jumps in with his bravado, "about what, you might say?" His comedic and cinematic history is apparent here. These threads in the tapestry of his personality are partially the result of many hours and years spent in isolation. Self-isolated and then many times not by choice. Still, the point is that he's playing with her. He's teasing her. He likes her. He's flirting with her. You'd be hard pressed not be charmed by him, live and in LIVING C O L O U R (with a "u" because America didn't deserve him and because he was richly eccentric).

@TheInternetWarrior i know, right? i'm just fucking pissed off. you're all fucking idiots. michael was mocking diane sawyer the whole time and lisa was stoned. they were both high on drugs or love or both when they got married but they really were married and they really did love eachother. it's not weird. i don[t even comprehend the stupidity of diane's questions. i understand that the majority of the world is stupid but fuck do they have to ruin other people because of it?

michael and lisa were both fucked up by their family very early on and we know this! THEY know it. Maybe they didn't know it so succinctly but they KNEW and that was real and that was their life at that time. that cracker ass nickuh didn't fucking hurt anyone. and even when they all but stuck him down with bats and boards in the middle of the streets and crucified him (meaning killing him for something he didn't do) in 2005, he still never said a word. lisa got out and away from the circus, michael was the ringmaster of his own 3 ring show. he tried to skip town to forget her and the horrible pains in his life but he was chased out of town all the way down to the last drop of milk. he loved her. she loved him. everything else was just too fucked up for them. he was a silent martyr and never was heard from again. he stopped existing to himself long before the public put him in the ground. the man, the myth, the legend. he is our modern mythology

wtf is wrong with you dumb ass @dancersrevenge you are like the dumbest shit. they are like freak nasty fucking and people are doubting that they even touch each other. god damn. listen to the video without WITHOUT audio. tell me what you actually HEAR rather than SEE you dumb fuck. they're not a fucking cartoon. PLUS she's still alive and this is your fucking soap box of judgment. go fuck yourself and touch some small children inappropriately and report back to us.

@heyathere1000 Hey there, would you look at that.. about a 1000 times, @LiarsBurnInHell, unlike you LIARS, Heya has a different opinion than you LIARS and i guess well damn it, it's not okay for him to disagree with you. because, why then you'll call him a liar and tell him that he's going to burn in hell. that sounds so sweet. did your mama raise you on hugs and kisses, with extra spoon fulls of sugar to help your EATdickSHITwithTOAST brain medicine? say what?? yeah. you're an asshole and you need hear it and you need to be told more than 1000 times because you know what they said michael jackson was, oh yeah, so many awful fucking things, but you know what michael jackson said? "you believe a lie enough, you start to believe that it's true." it works both ways, baby jesus. you need a good soul searching before you point your finger all the way to hell with your pedophile friend here. yes, you are right. jeez. that's the most important part. HE WAS INNOCENT and you're a dick and it definitely takes one to know one. I just happen to know the diffence and so did Michael, because as far as i'm concerned, the last thing he ever said to the public, his people, whom HE SERVED, hence all the royalty being more than well-deserved? Elvis was just a fucking poor, white cracker, listening to nigger music, pissing on everyone and telling them it's rain, beautiful, golden rain. like a damn prince parody. Shut your mouth before i shut it for you. Michael Jackson was the King and the last thing he ever said was THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU, you must believe that, from the bottom of my broken, withered, beating, black and blue, and bleach white, wounded heart. get off his ass faggot, chris brown, get off his dick, no homo. he was just a human being. like it or leave it. at least he wasn't a republican or even worse, YOU.

cheers, (nickuh!)

p.s. look at me now is killer. look up chris brown on vevo for a bangin video and some catchy shit that will stick to you like ew wee sticky icky


Jackson Kids Dialled 911


If they called 911 we would have already heard of it. The kids wouldn't think to keep his name a secret. It would have made the news. If they had used his name the dispatcher would likely believe it a prank. Almost calling or thinking to call is not the same as actually have a reel of tape documenting the occurrence.

I miss when TMZ had newsworthy information and not just speculative reporting, intentionally left with holes, meant to generate comments.

This also doesn't mean anything that he would brag in front of the children. That's what parents do to ease the minds of their kids. He wouldn't want the children to be worried for his health, especially if it were something as damaging or alarming as what was found to be going on. He was merely protecting his children. I wish there was more information on the nanny, Grace. The rare mentions of her don't amount to much to gather an opinion of her motives or credibility.